Children's sedation
4600 ₴
Treatment of children under sedation in Eurozet dentistry (in sleep)
Treating children can be a challenge for many parents. Especially when procedures are required that require calmness and cooperation on the part of the baby. However, modern medicine offers an innovative approach to this problem - treatment of children under sedation in sleep.
Sleep sedation is a safe and effective method that allows medical specialists to carry out the necessary procedures without stress and discomfort for the child. During the procedure, the child is put into a sleepy state with the help of special drugs that ensure comfort and safety during the treatment.
Benefits of treating a child in a dream
One of the main advantages of treating children under sedation in sleep is reducing the duration of the procedure. In a few minutes or hours, the medical staff can perform the necessary manipulations that would otherwise take a lot of time and effort. In addition, during sleep, the child does not feel pain or discomfort, which makes the procedure more tolerable for him.
Another important aspect of sleep sedation treatment is safety. The medical staff constantly monitors the child's condition during the procedure, controlling his heart rate, breathing and other indicators. This allows for prompt response to any deviations and ensures the maximum level of safety during treatment.
Maxim Oleksandrovich
Surgeon, orthopedist
Anastasia Romanovna
Vadim Oleksandrovich
Surgeon, implantologist
Anna Oleksandrivna
Olga Volodymyrivna
Therapist, endodontist-microscopist
No weekends:from 09:00 to 21:00
St. Marshal Tymoshenko 21
St. Princely Zaton 14 B
Без вихідних:з 09:00 до 21:00
вул. Маршала Тимошенка 21
вул. Княжий Затон 14 б
Без вихідних:з 09:00 до 21:00
вул. Маршала Тимошенка 21
вул. Княжий Затон 14 б